Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Last Game of Fall Ball

Max played number 19 for his last season of "T-ball".  We had a fun season and we'll miss our team.  Several of these kids have played together for three seasons.  It's considered T-ball because they follow T-ball rules, but the kids started hitting from coach pitch by the second game the first season they played.  This season the kids used the pitching machine. This seemed like a great opportunity but the machine was surprisingly inconsistent.  I spent the season missing coach pitch.  Next year the boys and girls go their separate ways to baseball and softball, respectively.  It's also a lottery next year so we'll see if any of the boys are reunited.  Regardless, Max played some good ball and we all had a good time.

1 comment:

  1. Great learning! Great friendships! Great activities for youngsters! We are proud of you Moesers!!!
