Friday, September 4, 2015

Our Brief Visit with Gramma

Contrary to my Gramma's expression, she was happy to see us!  On our way home from one of our up north trips this summer we stopped by to see my Gramma for an hour or two.  We also had the added bonus of visiting with my Aunt Patty and Uncle Jay.  It was good to see them all!  But it was especially good to put my arms around my Gramma and to be with her.  I miss going up and playing with all of my cousins at her house.  We used to get up to her place (she lives on a lake!) every year as a big group of family.  This hasn't happened in years and now would be too overwhelming for her but I miss those times.  It was good to get the kids and Jonathan up to her house even if it was for a short visit.

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