Saturday, May 31, 2014

Max's First Graduation

Max has graduated preschool!  At first I thought it was a little silly to have such a celebration for preschool but I have to say it was awesome.  We love our preschool and we will miss it.  Jonathan had to work but Lucy was able to join me for the festivities.  She thought the graduation hats were pirate hats!  She was cracking me up.  She thought Max was dressed as Jake (as in Jake and the Neverland Pirates).  The kids did a great job with their song.  After singing they all stood on stage and the teachers called them down one by one to read a few things about each child and then hand them their diplomas.  It was a very special day.

1 comment:

  1. What a total riot!!! I just LOVE this video!!!....and I plan to look at it over and over again!!! I love it!! Thanks so much for letting us in on a little bit of your world!!!
